Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A Trip With Me To The American Girl Store, San Fransisco!

Hey everyone! It's Hyatt. So, Ilast January I visited the american Girl place in San Francisco (warning: it's actually a little less than a an hour away from San Fransisco)
SO, since January is coming up and I never posted a post about it, I thought I might as well do it now!
SO, foreword, the San Fransisco American Girl place is a a little small, especially since I, (being someone from the East Coast) often go to the New York one, which is quite bog. It was really interesting to see the differences.

In honor of Marie Grace and Cecile's not-so-recent retirement, here's a picture of them.

I was super excited to see Kit, and this is pretty much what mine looks like. Every time I see her I'm so glad I have her. I would completely recommend her, by the way.

Here are all the adorable mini dolls.

The Bitty Twins look so cute in their new pajamas and trundle bed.

And here's Isabelle, almost retired.

Savannah was so excited to see Isabelle's studio, and the person at American Girl let me let her try it

Here's the doll I almost got, #47. She's so gorgeous and really looks like Sonali.

Here's some of the exclusives! I actually got the sweatshirt the one girl is wearing, and next time I go to the American Girl place I'm going to get the T-shirt.

Here's the cute little birthday set. SO adorable!!!

Savannah, of course, was very excited to see herself.

And here's a very unclear picture of the hair-styles at the doll hair salon.

Here's one case of the My American Girl dolls. I love #44, the one off right (front) with the really curly hair.

And I needed to get this picture in.


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