All My Dolls

All Six of my Gorgeous Dolls!

Elizabeth Jane Cole (Beforever/Historical B.F.F 1774)
Purchased: In 2010 as a Christmas present.
Favorite thing to do: Write stories.
Hobbies: Writing stories, reading, cooking, sewing, and writing plays.
Personality: Loving, responsible, outgoing, slightly bossy, caring, and generous.
Favorite sister: Probably Kit, because she was around before any of my other sisters.
Other: My sisters are so annoying! They're staring over my shoulder and waiting for their turn!

Kit Audrey Kittredge (Historical/Beforever character 1934).
Purchased: July 19 2011 with my own money. 
Favorite thing to do: Doing soccer drills with whatever sister is willing.
Hobbies: Soccer, making jokes, hanging out with my sisters, SOCCER!
Personality: Competitive, but silly, friendly, unique.
Favorite sister: Probably Elizabeth in all, I've known her the longest, but Mia's usually the one willing to play soccer!
Other: Well, erm, I lose my temper a lot.

Nicole “Nicki” Melissa Fleming (Girl Of The Year 2007).
Purchased: sometime in June 2012 with my own money in a consignment shop for $80.
Favorite thing to do: Dressing up in ridiculous outfits.
Hobbies: Art, dress up, doing hair.
Personality: She appears she and innocent, but really I'm a criminal mastermind! MWAUHAHA! I'm also a goofball.
Favorite sister: Probably Savannah, she's loves being crazy too! (and eating sugar)
Other: I had too much sugar today! (as usual)

Mia Hailey St. Clair (Girl Of The Year 2008)
Purchased: 2012 as a Christmas present. 
Favorite thing to do: Ice skating! I'm great at it.
Hobbies: Astronomy, ice-skating and cooking.
Personality: Tomboy-ish but also a little girly.
Favorite sister: Probably Kit, maybe Felicity.
Other: Felicity's my twin sister! (You can't tell)

Felicity Anne Merriman (Historical/Beforever character 1774)
Purchased: July something (I don't remember) 2013 by my Grandma at a thrift store for $8!
Favorite thing to do: Dance! I dance ballet and contemporary, I think Ballet is harder, but that means it's more of a challenge, though I do grasp Contemporary better...
Hobbies: Well, dance of course, I also adore gardening, I love paying with small things, small, anythings really! Little trinkets, mini stuff, I love making them into fairy houses! I also love playing with animals, our dog Coconut, our cats Ivy and Katie, and any animal willing to play with me!
Personality: Well, I like to think I'm nice, I'll admit I'm a bit sensitive-don't roll your eyes Mia!-but I'm a little introverted and, MORE MODEST THAN MIA!
Favorite sister: Not Mia, though she's my twin. Maybe Elizabeth, she's nice.

Savannah Rose Snow (MAG #55)
Purchased: January 13 2014 with my own money
Favorite thing to do: EAT SUGAR! (and go shopping...)
Hobbies: Shopping, designing clothes, decorating cakes, photography.
Personality: Weird, hyper, awesome, Rainbow Dash-like.
Favorite Sister: Nicki, definitely.
Other: Felicity took forever!


    Please teach me how to make my own blog!!

  2. Thanks,
    hopefully I will make a post about that sometime.
    Until I'm sure you can look it up.


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